Sunday, January 24, 2010

ANOTHER Pet Psychic weighs in...

This pet psychic is Chip's sister's friend.  She's based in NY:

Thunder is east/northeast from the last place where he was seen.  You have to go twice as far as you think you do.  He isn't worried, he just wonders why you are taking so long to come get him.  He doesn't think he's lost.  There is another animal in the house who has a chip, he may have a new chip, go twice as far in the ENE direction and call vets in that area to find out about chips put in since Christmas.  The door he goes in and out of is wood the house is stone; the door frame is stone- not cobble shaped, either flat blocks or large rectangular pieces.  There is an arch shaped piece on top .  He's fine, just waiting for you.  

We'll be looking again tomorrow...wood door... stone door frame... Thun-der!


  1. OMG!! I'm praying she is real, I mean right. No--seriously--I am. Fingers crossed. xx

  2. I am meeting with the Spanish Ace Ventura tomorrow to have him canvas the city N-NE of our house. Deb has been out all afetrnoon with a close friend pounding the pavement. We will find him.
    The new woman had no information at all! Had not read the blog and came up with the same location. Very interesting.

  3. I dont want to be a downer but if you go farther than you will you know when to stop? I do like the idea of checking with the vets.

  4. If anyone can find's mu psychic sister!

  5. Deb, I have been reading your horrific saga about Thunder. I am so, so sorry that has happened to you, your family and Thunder.

    There is nothing worse than having an unresolved situation like this. I truly hope that you find him. Crossing fingers for a happy ending!

    On another note, hope the Perkins family has adjusted to Spain.

  6. I know, I know, Anonymous! I agree! But 2 pet psychics (one with no information whatsoever) say he's north/northeast. What's a family to do? It's torturous if we don't check it out thoroughly. I guess I'll know we're done when we hit Barcelona...

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Oh Deb....Your blogs about Thunder are just heartbreaking. I pray that you will find him soon and that in the meantime he safe and well cared for. His absence must leave such a hole in all of your lives....


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