Friday, January 8, 2010

Look Up Thunder!

If you're going for a walk in the evening, you'll notice that there are different Christmas lights strung across many of the streets in Madrid.  Do you notice lights on the grey/blond woman's street? What do they look like?

Here are some examples:

These are on Velasquez

These are on Lagasca

Jorge Juan

Ortega y Gasset

Send me a sign boy dog (through the Pet Psychic) and I will continue to look for you...


  1. Does he know his shapes?

  2. We're all pulling for you, Thunder!

  3. It has been a difficult few weeks with out our wonder dog but we are keeping the faith. I am in the process of finding the Spanish Ace Ventura. Once we combine the California mystic, Ace, and the Perkins in Madrid we should turn him up before we return to the USA! Any interested parties are welcome as we form daily search parties.

  4. Did you talk to psychic #2?



Tell me what's going on with you!