Friday, February 5, 2010

Finca Fantasy: Part dos

Darn if that Finca inviation didn't evaporate when the margaritas wore off!  To read about how Delora and her husband were lured into thinking that they would be invited to a kajillion acre finca to shoot things, then weren't, click here:

So, fall has come and gone. Heck, winter has almost come and gone. Still, no finca invitation has materialized from the people we met casually at a cocktail party at 3AM who said, "You should come to our finca someday!"

Then some of our best Spanish friends -- we only have two due to our language impairments -- tried their best to let us down easily over lunch the other day.  First, they let it slip that their family had, not ONE, but TWO fincas!  Then, seeing our excitement, our friends told us as gently as possible, that their finca(s) are only for family!  Wouldn't you think that our best Spanish friends in the whole wide world would invite us to ONE of their TWO fincas?  I mean really, who has TWO fincas and doesn't need some friends to fill them up and help kill the deer that have overpopulated them?

Still, I can't help but think that we'll get lucky with someone and get a finca invitation before we move back to the States.  And it's with this optimistic view of the world that I begin my search for the perfect hostess gift.  What to bring to a finca?  As I walk through the charming streets of Barrio Salamanca, I keep my eye out for a statement gift, something to make the Spanish hostess feel she was right to invite Americans to her finca.  The kids suggest we bring a DVD of Bambi along with an orphaned baby deer, but this is too much of a political statement for me.  I'm thinking: what do you bring to a family that has to swallow mounds of deer meat every weekend?  Wouldn't something like gooseberry jam (is that a real thing, or something from a children's book I read once?) compliment venison? Maybe dress it up a little?  Perhaps I could bring some french crepes (venison crepes, how nice!) So my Google friend and I sit down to do some research on what would compliment venison and up pops a recipe finder with 91 recipes! Then I see this...

We have recipes for all the familiar game meats plus the slightly "wilder" animals like bear, turtle, moose, squirrel, and snake.

And with that, my Finca Fantasy comes to a screeching halt. I'm about to hurl just thinking about eatting a squirrel, so if you want to make alligator fingers, rattlesnake pasta or bear tonight, click here: 
And if you can help me out with some ideas for what to bring to a finca, I'd really appreciate it.  Now if you'll excuse me...


  1. Gross. Rattle snake pasta sounds disgusting. You should stay with the good restaurants in Madrid.

  2. How about some quail ravioli as a starter?

  3. I can´t beleive it!!! How can somebody with TWO fincas not invite you two to ANY of them????

  4. Hi Deb!
    What a FUN blog! You are clearly getting a lifetime of anecdotes in zip format! Brave you and your family! I hope you get to that finca and lots of other memorable spots! Thanks for bloglisting Even in the most trying circumstances, I believe in keeping it positive. Hope you found a bit of that in the site, although you are definitely an upbeat, outgoing kind of gal. Bueno, suerte con todo! Happy to finca with you anytime! Cheers, April

  5. Thanks April, I'll take all the positive thoughts I can get from your goodoodles! Let's find that finca, shall we?

  6. Hey Deb, As always, fun reading!

    Cheers, Jim

  7. I need a daily Delora fix....please keep the stories coming!

  8. Hey Deb! I think that a great gift would be some other kind of animal. After gorging on venison, chicken might actually seem exotic!
    See you guys in a week!

  9. I'm thinking how lucky am I to have visited you before there was an actual finca trip planned!!! XXOO


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