Friday, September 25, 2009

Man in White Heels

(Forward to minute 2 when he loosens his jacket and the fun begins)

Recently, Chip and I were lucky enough to be given tickets to see the master Flamenco dancer, Rafael Amargo, in the beautiful Teatros del Canal. Chip didn't share my excitement as we settled into our seats; he removed his glasses as though he were getting ready for bed and 
folded them into his breast pocket. The audience was packed with young ladies and men visi-bly excited by their proximity to the Latin dance master. After a few minutes, the lights dim-
med and the curtain rose. There, frozen in the spotlights was a tableau of dancers (including two beautiful topless women.) They posed for several minutes as the excitement rose to a 
crescendo.  Then the fun began.

Chip reached for his glasses and never took them back off.


Anonymous said...

Did Chip think those two women were beautiful and topless before or after he took his glasses off?

BigSis said...

Spain, just how I pictured it for the Perkins. LOVE your blog!!

Unknown said...
